Starting out with the base of the shapes.(从形状的底部开始。) Create a Shape node and set this to Square(scale 1), run this through Transformation 2D nodes of different sizes and Blend them together with Subtract. Use a Histogram Range to push the height value down. This part will be used for the gap inbetween the border and the main shape. 创建一个形状节点并将其设置为方形(比例1),通过转换不同大小的二维节点来运行该节点,并将它们与减法混合在一起。使用柱状图范围将高度值向下推。此部分用于边框和主形状之间的间隙。 The same as before, subtract the smaller shape from the main square, this will be the border shape. Use a Blur to get a gradient going which can be controlled with a Curve node to get a soft bevel. Blend the border and the gap together with the mode set to Max (Lighten). 与之前相同,从主方块中减去较小的形状,这将是边框形状。 使用“模糊”获取渐变,可以使用“曲线”节点控制渐变,以获得柔化斜角。 将边框和间隙混合在一起,模式设置为Max(Lighten)。 Create a Shape and set this one to Disc(scale 0.92), Blend this with the border with Add, Use a Histogram Scan to get rid of the gradient and Invert Grayscale to get the mask for the parts inbetween the border and the center. Edge detect > Blur > Levels. 创建一个Shape并将其设置为Disc(比例0.92),使用Add添加边框,使用柱形图扫描去除渐变和反转灰度以获取边框和中心之间的部件的蒙版。 边缘检测>模糊>级别。 This piece will be used for a little rim on the edge of the window. Use an Edge Detect to get the outline, Blur > Curve > Histogram Range. 这件作品将用于窗户边缘的小边缘。 使用“边缘检测”获取轮廓,“模糊”>“曲线”>“柱形图范围”。 Blend the border and disc together with Copy and a mask with the main disc(will be used later on), Blend the rim on top with a Max(Lighten) and use the main disc as a mask to cut off the part of the rim that’s not on top of the disc. 将边框和光盘与复印件和主光盘的遮罩混合在一起(稍后将使用),将顶部的边缘与最大值混合(变亮),并将主光盘用作遮罩,以切断不在光盘顶部的边缘部分。 Use a Histogram Range to control the height of this piece and Blend it together with Add. 使用柱状图范围来控制这一块的高度,并将其与“添加”混合在一起。 Blend this result together with Max(Lighten) and we can call the base done for now. 把这个结果和max(变亮)混合在一起,我们现在就可以称之为基础完成。
Creating the round and floral ornaments that are going to be added to the sides. 创造将要添加到侧面的圆形和花卉装饰。 Start of with a Shape set to Disc(scale 0.5), optional Transformation 2D to be able to control the size, Edge Detect(edge width 2) to get the outline of the circle. 将Shape设置为Disc(比例为0.5),选择Transformation 2D以控制大小,Edge Detect(边缘宽度2)以获得圆的轮廓。 For the floral shapes start with a Transformation 2D and make the shape a tad smaller, follow up with a Splatter Circular and let all the shapes touch eachother. Blend another shape on top of the Splatter to fill up the hole. Use a Transformation 2D to scale if desired. Follow up with an Edge Detect to get the outline and a Histogram Range(position 0.03) to push it completely down in height. 对于花卉形状,从变形2D开始,使形状稍微小一些,跟随一个Splatter圆形,让所有的形状相互接触。 在Splatter顶部混合另一个形状以填充孔。 如果需要,使用Transformation 2D进行缩放。 跟进边缘检测以获得轮廓和直方图范围(位置0.03)以将其完全向下推至高度。 Blend both shapes together, then I use this chain of nodes that I’m reusing throughout the projects with little adjustments where needed; Blur > Levels > Blur > Curve and a Transformation 2D to be able to put the shape on its final position. 将这两个形状混合在一起,然后使用我在整个项目中重用的节点链,在需要时几乎不需要调整;模糊>级别>模糊>曲线和转换2d,以便能够将形状放置在其最终位置。 Everything the same as with the previous shape, now Splatter Circular with the amount set to 5. 一切与前一个形状相同,现在喷溅圆形的数量设置为5。 Move the result in place with Transformation 2D nodes.(使用转换二维节点将结果移动到位。) Add them together with a Blend.(将它们与Blend一起添加。) Blend the two chains together with the mode set to Max (Lighten), use a Transformation 2D with flip horizontal to get them on both sides, Blend the two together, Transformation 2D with flip vertical to end up with all corners covered. 将这两条链与设置为“Max(Light)”的模式混合在一起,使用带有水平翻转的转换2d将它们放置在两侧,将这两条链混合在一起,使用带有垂直翻转的转换2d以覆盖所有角。
Making the pylon like shapes.(做成塔的形状。)
1、将一个正方形(比例0.25)和一个圆盘(比例0.25)组合在一起,圆盘向上移动一点,以便在形状之间实现良好的过渡。 2、To get the shape more like the pylon shape in the reference, I use a chain of Warps to mold the shape to my liking. The Warps are controlled by having a Bell(scale 0.5) shape in a Transformation 2D, the first one will be the controller, connect a second Transformation 2D to the first one and flip horizontal. Blend the two together with Add. Now you can move the first Transformation 2D around and the second one will follow on the opposite side. 2、为了使形状更像参考中的塔形状,我使用一系列Warps来塑造我喜欢的形状。 通过在变换2D中具有贝尔(比例0.5)形状来控制扭曲,第一个将是控制器,将第二变换2D连接到第一变换2D并且水平翻转。 将两者混合在一起添加。 现在你可以移动第一个转换2D,第二个转移到另一边。 3、Warp with a intensity of 2.0.(扭曲强度为2.0。) 4、Second Warp a little lower than the first one with a intensity of 1.2.(第二次弯曲比第一次略低,强度为1.2。) 5、Third Warp higher to push in the top a bit with a intensity of 1.0.(第三次翘曲更高,以1.0的强度稍微推顶。) 6、Squash the Disc in a bit with a Transformation 2D (hold Ctrl + Shift while dragging to drag in both sides at the same time) Add the shapes together with a Blend.(使用转换2D将光盘压缩一点(按住Ctrl + Shift同时拖动以同时拖动两侧)将形状与混合一起添加。) 7、Fourth Warp closer together with a intensity of 1.0.(第四次弯曲靠得更近,强度为1.0。) Final Warp to push the oval shape in a bit with a intensity of 1.0.(最终扭曲以略微推动椭圆形状,强度为1.0。)
Creating the staff like shapes.(创建类似于标尺的形状。)
1,创建一个Shape节点并将其设置为Square(尺寸X 0.015),使用Blend通过将Top Cropping Area设置为0.07来切除顶部。 然后使用Transformation 2D来控制形状需要的位置。
For the top part we will start of with a Square(size X 0.5, Y 0.8). Then we create a Disc(scale 0.5) that we can Transform into oval shapes, these will be Added together with a Blend and then Subtracted from the Square shape. Use an Edge Detect(edge width 2.26) to get the outline, move it in place with a Transformation 2D and Blend them together with Add.
2.对于顶部,我们将从一个正方形开始(尺寸X 0.5,Y 0.8)。然后我们创建一个圆盘(比例0.5),我们可以转换成椭圆形,这些将与一个混合物一起添加,然后从方形中减去。使用边缘检测(边缘宽度2.26)获取轮廓,使用转换2d将其移动到位,并将其与添加混合在一起。 3、Then use the same technique as before, Blur > Levels > Blur > Curve, this can be copied from before, change the settings up a bit if you would like to add more variation. 3、然后使用与以前相同的技术,模糊>色阶>模糊>曲线,这可以从之前复制,如果您想添加更多变化,请稍微更改设置。 4、This is done the same way as the previous floral ornaments, this time a number of 4 in the Splatter Circular. 4、这样做的方法与之前的花卉装饰相同,这次是4个在飞溅的圆形。 5、Blend the circle and flower together with Max(Lighten), transform it in place and use a Histogram Range to push the position(0.41) down, Blend the staff and flower ornament together with a Blend set to Max(Lighten). 5、将圆圈和花朵与Max(变亮)混合在一起,在适当的位置进行变换,并使用直方图范围将位置(0.41)向下推,将标尺和花朵装饰物混合在一起,并将混合设置为Max(变亮)。 6、Piece for the top of the staff, create a Square shape(scale 0.17, size Y 0.5), transform it in place, Blur it and use a Curve. 6、在标尺的顶部,创建一个正方形(比例为0.17,尺寸为Y 0.5),在适当的位置变换,模糊它,并使用曲线。 7、Blend(Max (Lighten)) the piece together with the other parts and use a Splatter Circular(Number 20, Radius 0.275, Pattern Size X and Y 0.43, Rotation 90 degrees, Center Orientation True) to get the main shape in a circular pattern. 7、将(Max(变亮))和其他部分混合在一起,使用飞溅圆形(数字20,半径0.275,图案大小X和Y 0.43,旋转90度,中心方向为真)得到圆形图案中的主形状。
Making the waves that are going to be added to the staff.制造出的波浪将会被添加到标尺上。
1、创建一个圆盘(刻度为0.5),并使用转换2D将其移动到左上角(确保将平铺模式变为无平铺模式),将第二个转换2D水平翻转,并将它们与要添加的模式设置混合在一起。 2、Use an Edge Detect(edge width 2) to get a wave like line. 2、使用边缘检测(边缘宽度2)来得到类似波浪的线。 3、Move the shape in place with a Transformation 2D. 3、使用2D转换将形状移动到适当位置。 4、Here we use the same chain again as we did with the previous pieces, Blur > Levels > Blur > Curve. 4、在这里,我们再次使用相同的链,就像之前的片段一样,模糊>级别>模糊>曲线。 5、Add a Histogram Range(position 0.34) for the height control. 5、为高度控制添加一个柱状图范围(位置0.34)。 6、Use a Transformation 2D node with flip horizontal to get the flipped version, control both of them with the Transform at step 3. Blend the parts together with Add. 6、使用带有水平翻转的转换2D节点来获得翻转版本,在步骤3中使用转换控制它们。把这些部分混合在一起。 7、Flip the shape this time vertical, make a horizontal copy and Add them together. 7、这次垂直翻转形状,做一个水平的复制,然后把它们加在一起。
Creating the ring that will be placed in the center to connect everything together.创建将放置在中心的环以将所有内容连接在一起。 1、Start off with a Disc(scale 0.92), create two variations with one a little bigger than the other and subtract them from eachother.从Disc(比例0.92)开始,创建两个变量,一个比另一个稍大,并相互减去它们。 2、Blur the shape a bit and then use a Curve node to control it.稍微模糊一下形状然后使用曲线节点来控制它。 3、Because the Blur put the gradient at both the inside and outside, the Curve will be affected to both sides, in this case we just want to keep the rim at the inside. To do this we can take the bigger circle and Invert Grayscale to get anything outside of the circle shape, now we can use this to subtract this from the result of the Curve to get rid of the rim on the outside.因为模糊将渐变放置在内侧和外侧,所以曲线将影响到两侧,在这种情况下,我们只想保持边缘在内侧。要做到这一点,我们可以取大一点的圆,然后反转灰度,得到圆形状之外的任何东西,现在我们可以用这个从曲线的结果中减去这个来去掉外面的边。 4、To get the little pieces on top of the ring we’re going to start of with a Square(scale 0.17, size X 0.35, size Y 0.5), Transform it in place and adjust size till it fits on top of the ring, Blur the shape and use a Curve node to get the bevels.为了让小部分位于环的顶部,我们将从一个正方形开始(比例0.17,尺寸x 0.35,尺寸y 0.5),将其转换到位并调整大小,直到它适合环的顶部,模糊形状并使用曲线节点来获得斜面。 5、Use a Splatter Circular(this one is a copy of the one used for the staff ornament).使用Splatter Circular(这是一份用于装饰的圆形)。 6、Use a Levels to push more gray values towards white.使用“级别”将更多灰色值推向白色。 7、Use a Histogram Scan(position 0.55, contrast 0.47) to create a mask with a soft falloff.使用柱状图扫描(位置0.55,对比度0.47)创建具有软衰减的遮罩。
Creating the glass and lead ornament for the center.为中心创造玻璃和铅装饰。 1、Do the same as in the previous examples, Circle shape with a Circular Splatter and another shape added to the middle to fill the hole.和前面的例子一样,先画一个圆形,然后在中间加上另一个形状来填充这个洞。 2、Now we have the shape that we can use for the selection of the color for later. Use an Edge Detect to get the outline and selection for the border piece. Now by using the another Edge Detect we get the outline that will be used for the lead. 现在我们有了形状,我们可以用它来为以后选择颜色。使用边缘检测来获取边框的轮廓和选择。现在,通过使用另一个边缘检测,我们得到的轮廓,将用于铅。 3、Use a Transformation 2D to rotate the shape 45 degrees and do the same for this part with both Edge Detect nodes.使用转换2D将形状旋转45度,并对这部分使用两个边缘检测节点进行相同的操作。 4、Create a Square, use a Transformation 2D to turn it 45 degrees, follow up with both Edge Detect nodes to create the middle part.创建一个正方形,使用2D转换将其旋转45度,然后使用两个边缘检测节点创建中间部分。 5、For this shape I’m using a Polygon 2(4 sides, a Scale of 0.09, Rotation of 45 degrees, Curve of -0.5, Gradient of 0 and Invert Gradient False), use a Transformation 2D to get the right size and an Edge Detect to get the selection for the lead. 对于这个形状,我使用了一个多边形2(4条边,刻度为0.09,旋转45度,曲线为-0.5,梯度为0,反梯度为False),使用一个转换2D来获得正确的大小,并使用一个边缘检测来获得引线的选择。 6、Start of with a Disc Shape and use Transformation 2D nodes to put them on all four corners. Again an Edge Detect to get the selection for the lead.从一个圆盘形状开始,使用转换2D节点将它们放在所有四个角上。再次边缘检测,以获得铅的选择。 7、Blend everything together with Max(Lighten) and finally Blur it out a little, this will be the final mask of the lead for this part. (this part will later be added to the main lead mask) 把所有的东西和Max(变亮)混合在一起,最后稍微模糊一点,这将是这部分的最后一个蒙版。(这部分稍后将添加到主铅掩模)
This part is for the colored glass that will be Multiplied with the glass material at the end. I’ve used two ways of doing the coloring of the glass(I’ll show the other method on the next slide). With this method I have all the Blend nodes set to Copy except the one at step 5. and I’m using masks that I made in the previous slide to add the parts on top of eachother. All colors are picked with a Gradient Map node. 这部分是为彩色玻璃,将在最后与玻璃材料相乘。我用了两种方法来给玻璃上色(下一张幻灯片我会展示另一种方法)。使用这个方法,我将所有的混合节点设置为Copy,除了第5步中的节点。我用的是我在上一张幻灯片中做的蒙版把各个部分叠加在一起。所有颜色都使用渐变映射节点选择。 1、Blend the middle square with the outline.将中间的正方形与轮廓混合。 2、Blend the small flower together with the middle square, the mask used here is the square and outline combined. Blend the outline of the small flower in the next Blend.将小花和中间的方块混合在一起,这里使用的蒙版是方块和轮廓的组合。在下一个混合中混合小花的轮廓。 3、Blend the Polygon shape together with the other parts, the mask used here is the small flower and outline combined.将多边形形状和其他部分混合在一起,这里使用的蒙版是小花和轮廓的组合。 4、Blend the big flower together with the other parts, the mask used here is the Polygon.将大花和其他部分混合在一起,这里使用的蒙版是多边形。 5、Blend the small circles to the other parts with Add, no mask used here.用Add将小圆圈混合到其他部分,这里没有使用蒙版。 6、Blend the outline of the big flower and the big circle together and use both of their masks.将大花和大圆圈的轮廓混合在一起,使用它们的两个面具。 7、Blend the big circle from the selection that was created for creating the center window in the height and use all the shapes until now as the mask. Last Blend is the addition of the lead added on top of the glass, this will not be used for the color, but will be used for the Color ID mask instead. 从创建高度中心窗口时创建的选区中混合大圆,并使用所有形状作为蒙版,直到现在。最后的混合是在玻璃上添加铅,这将不用于颜色,而是用于颜色ID蒙版。
In this part I will not go into the creation of the shapes as it uses the exact same techniques used in other parts of this breakdown, I want to highlight the alternate method that I used for blending color of selections. 在本部分中,我将不讨论形状的创建,因为它使用了与本分类的其他部分相同的技术,我想强调一下我用于混合选择颜色的替代方法。 The Gradient Map node is the key node here, I make three points one on each side and one some we here in the middle, the most right one will determine the color of the selection(white), of the most left one reduce the Alpha to 0, this will remove the black parts of the input and with the middle one you can clamp the color, make sure that the color is similar to the selection.渐变映射节点是这里的关键节点,我在每一侧制作三个点,在中间制作一个点,最右边的一个将确定选择的颜色(白色),最左边的一个将Alpha减少为0 ,这将删除输入的黑色部分,中间的部分可以夹住颜色,确保颜色与选择类似。 1-6. Here we start the chain of blending all the different parts of the glass ornament together, with every part having a slightly different color.1 – 6。在这里,我们开始将所有玻璃装饰的不同部分混合在一起,每个部分都有稍微不同的颜色。 7. The difference between both of the end parts is the horizontal bar which I didn’t want to show up in the Emissive but did want to include in the albedo.两个末端部分之间的区别是水平条,我不想在Emissive中显示但确实想要包含在反照率中。
After the Color ID map is completed we can add the different materials together, for this I will use a Multi-Material Blend node. The slot at the bottom is for the Color ID map. In this node you can set the amount of materials you want to blend together, I’ve used five(four different ones, I wanted to use a different Normal Intensity for the ornaments) materials, two different stone materials, one for the border, the other for the inner parts and ornaments, a glass material and a lead material for the window. 完成颜色ID映射后,我们可以将不同的材质添加到一起,为此,我将使用多材质混合节点。底部的插槽用于颜色ID映射。在这个节点中,你可以设置你想要混合的材料的数量,我使用了五种(四种不同的,我想要对装饰物使用不同的正常强度)材料,两种不同的石材,一种用于边框,另一种用于内部零件和装饰物,一种玻璃材料和一种用于窗户的铅材料。 After you set the amount of materials you tick on/off the maps you don’t want to use and at the bottom you can pick the color of the ID map with that will be replaced by the material. An easy way to do this is by double clicking the Color ID map to load it into the 2D view and then clicking once on the Multi-Material Blend to get the properties of that node up, this way you can start picking the colors from the 2D view with the eyedropper tool. 在设置了您不想使用的地图上打开/关闭的材料数量后,您可以在底部选择ID地图的颜色,并将其替换为材质。 一种简单的方法是双击Color ID贴图将其加载到2D视图中,然后在Multi-Material Blend上单击一次以获取该节点的属性,这样您就可以开始从中选择颜色了 使用吸管工具的2D视图。 1、Combined Base Color output.组合基色输出。 2、Combined Normal output.组合正常输出。 3、Combined Roughness output.组合粗糙度输出。 4、Combined Metallic output.组合金属输出。 5、Combined Ambient Occlussion output.结合环境遮挡输出。
Making the cracks pattern.制作裂纹图案。 1、For the cracks I started of with a Polygon 1(3 Sides, Explode by 0.002, Scale 3.01).对于裂缝我开始使用Polygon 1(3 Sides,Explode by 0.002,Scale 3.01)。 2、Use an Invert Grayscale to get the cracks pattern.使用反转灰度来获得裂缝图案。 3、Using multiple Slope Blur Grayscale nodes(Samples 32, Intensity 0.5, Mode Max) with a Clouds 2 noise, (Samples 32, Intensity 0.05, Mode Max) with a BnW Spots 1, to give it some edge damage. 使用多个斜面模糊灰度节点(采样32,强度0.5,模式最大值)和云2噪声(采样32,强度0.05,模式最大值)和BNW点1,给它一些边缘损坏。 4、Warp(Intensity 0.12) on top of eachother to break it up.互相弯曲(强度0.12),使其断裂。 5、Place them in the corner and start flipping them horizontal and vertical withTransformation 2D nodes to get them on all four sides.将它们放在角落里,然后开始将它们水平和垂直翻转,使用转换2D节点将它们放在四个边上。 6、Blend the sides together with Add.把两边混合在一起。 7、Use a mask from before so that the cracks will not go onto the ornaments by using a Levels and an Invert Grayscale. 使用之前的遮罩,这样裂缝就不会通过使用一个水平仪和一个倒置的灰度来进入装饰物。 After this I add this part to the rest of the results of the Multi-Material Blend along with some additional color to the albedo, like dirt based on the curvature and the coloring of the glass. 在这之后,我将这一部分添加到多材料混合的其他结果中,同时添加一些额外的反照率颜色,比如基于曲率和玻璃颜色的污垢。